
Follow new updates and improvements to Common.

December 18th, 2024

The first version of Common Extension v1 is now live on the Aleph Zero EVM Mainnet, offering users a new, simple way to shield and send AZERO tokens privately directly from their browser.

Key features available in v1:

  • Private account: Create private, shielded account on Aleph Zero EVM Mainnet;

  • Token shielding: secure your AZERO tokens in privacy pools (sub-second ZK proof generations) and your transactions and balances will remain protected;

  • Private-to-public sending: The sender remains private—what is visible on-chain is the amount transferred and the receiver account (private-to-private transactions will be available with subsequent iterations);

  • Sidepanel interface: Browse the web while keeping the extension open (in coming releases, you’ll be able to enjoy an enhanced UX with dApp connections).

This first release is a safemode rollout with shielding limits of 100 AZERO, which will be lifted once the external audit is concluded and the anonymity revoking function is activated.

Next Steps

Planned updates include support for private-to-private transfers, dApp connections, and removal of shielding limits following the completion of an external security audit.

Start testing the extension today: Add Common Extension V1 to Chrome.

Have feedback? Contribute to development by sharing your thoughts at

October 18th, 2024

Bridging native AZERO (L1) to and from AZERO ERC-20 (Ethereum)

In releasing Common Changelog 1.6.1 to Mainnet, along with MOST 2.2 support, users can now bridge native AZERO (L1) to and from AZERO ERC-20 (Ethereum) and use it in popular DeFi apps. 

This brings AZERO into the wider web3 economy and paves the way for seamless use of Aleph Zero’s privacy features across Ethereum. 

 In addition to support bridging AZERO, frontend minimal transfer value and pocket money from contract reading were amended. Instances where finalization progress was not being shown were also fixed.

While there were also a few improvements and fixes to stable pools:

  • Fixing multi-pool issues;

  • Using direct Stable Swap estimations in case of pathfinder malfunction;

  • Taking the Stable Pool numerator into account within the add liquidity modal.

Essentially, the case of having both a stable and a normal pool for a given pair of tokens can be handled much better now, while calculations and the fallback mechanism in case of an API error were also fixed.

Bridge your native AZERO (L1) to AZERO ERC-20 here:

October 10th, 2024

Stablecoin Liquidity Pools and the ability to add and withdraw liquidity in imbalanced proportions

Common Changelog 1.5.0 saw the team release Stablecoin Liquidity Pools and add filters in the bridge history modal, along with a whole host of other improvements and fixes.

While Changelog 1.6.0 brought about the following improvements:

  • Toasts covered by modals and stable-swap-amount-out calculations were fixed; 

  • Users can now add liquidity in imbalanced proportions and withdraw liquidity in imbalanced proportions;

  • Added a close button to the SlippageSettings popover;

  • Two decimals points for capped balance percentage are now shown;

  • Added spinners to buttons during pending states;

  • Added error classifying and the handling of transaction dry-run errors; plus, failed transfers are now added to history;

  • Fixed the arrow display issue in Farm details.

October 10th, 2024

Announcing bridging for TZERO—with support for bridging AZERO coming soon

The Common engine is showing no signs of slowing down. It's now possible to bridge TZERO to Ethereum. Additionally, you’ll soon be able to bridge AZERO on Mainnet. Here’s a full breakdown of the all the latest updates:

  • Support for bridging TZERO: You can now bridge native TZERO (L1) to and from TZERO ERC-20 (Sepolia);

  • The incentive bonus now depends on gas price, which is calculated as 60 000 gas_price 75%, where 60 000 is a configurable constant;

  • Front-end minimal transfer value: When bridging from ETH to L1, there’s a minimal transfer amount, which is set to min(10 USD worth of token, 0.01 unit of token). 

  • AlephNode releases are no longer dependent on MOST releases;

  • Additionally, there were a host of new security fixes.

September 25th, 2024

We’ve released the latst Mainnet version of Common, with a major update related to MOST–connecting Aleph Zero WASM (L1) and EVM (L2) and several other improvements related to the release of Aleph Zero EVM on Mainnet.

Here’s the full changelog:

  • Added MOST with support for Aleph Zero L1<>L2 transfers, under the Bridge tab;

  • Added support for EVM wallets and the ability to import new network in wallets;

  • Added flat fee support to mitigate spam attacks;

  • Added temporary AZERO transfer limit;

  • Added support for both block explorers.

August 29th, 2024

We’re excited to announce the release of Common version 1.3.1 to Mainnet!

This update includes fixes and improvements designed to enhance the user experience, improve performance, and ensure the platform’s reliability. Below is a detailed overview of what’s new in this release:

🛠️ Bug Fixes

Network Fee Calculation Improved

We’ve resolved an issue with the network fee calculation. Previously, there was a misalignment in how gas fees were converted. With this fix, the gas-to-fee conversion is now precise.

APY Overflow Resolved

A fix was applied to address an overflow issue in the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) calculations, especially when dealing with high values. With this fix, APY is now more accurately displayed, ensuring clarity for all users.

Chart Timeline Dates Overflow Fixed

We identified and corrected a bug where the dates on the chart timeline would overflow or be displayed improperly, especially with extended date ranges. This fix ensures that all timestamps are accurately displayed within the chart, providing a cleaner and more professional visual experience.

🎛️ UI/UX Enhancements

Interactive Slider Now Adapts to Screen Size Changes

We’ve enhanced the interactive slider functionality to better adapt to dynamic screen size changes. Whether you’re on a mobile device, tablet, or resizing your browser window, the slider will now adjust seamlessly, providing a consistent and responsive user experience across all devices.

Updated Community List Name

We have updated the name of the Verified Tokens List to “Tokens verified on

This release reflects our ongoing commitment to improving Common for all our users. We encourage you to explore these updates and continue providing feedback as we work on future enhancements. Thank you for your continued support!

August 5th, 2024

To make Common more attractive to traders, we’ve enabled the support of community-owned tokens.

It’s a feature that allows users to import lists of tokens based on their contract addresses. This means that you can quickly gain access to trading multiple tokens created on Aleph Zero before they are whitelisted and supported natively on Common.

To import a new list to Common, go to token selection on the Swap tab, click on “+Add tokens” at the bottom of the modal, and pick the list. The first available list is curated by Syncra. 

Please, exercise caution when interacting with community tokens and use as one of your research tools. It aggregates tokens that have undergone a manual verification process, which can contribute to a safer trading experience. For more context, head over to the Aleph Zero Blog.

Updates in Common ver. 1.3.0:

  1. Added Community Owned Tokens feature, enabling batch-adding custom tokens from sets of predefined lists.

  2. Made the Charts’ hours format adjust to the user's locale.

August 1st, 2024

The latest update to the Common AMM Mainnet introduces line and candlestick charts, among other minor improvements. a new visual element, line, and candlestick charts, that will definitely improve the user experience of swap trading. 

Delivering a Visual Flair to Trading 

From now on, once you begin swapping and choosing your token pairs, you will be able to see the price relationship between the two assets. Traders will have the option to see the price either in the form of a line chart or candlestick chart and choose different timeframes (days, weeks, months, and MAX, a full overview of the assets' price history). 

Note that only direct pairs are supported.

Line Chart

Candlestick Chart 

Changes in this release:

  • Added price charts to the Swap view.

  • Fixed CPU overheating when entering values in the Swap form, introduced with Smart Routing in version 1.0.2.

  • Improved experience of removing custom tokens when having more than 1 detected account.

  • Removed the Ledger-related informational popup. The issues with using Ledger devices have been resolved.

More UX Changes Are Coming! 

Make sure to stay tuned to our social media and blog for consistent updates on the efforts to enhance the Common DEX experience, and don't hesitate to reach out and tell us what features can make your Web3 life easier!

July 19th, 2024

A new version of Common AMM has been pushed to the Mainnet. Smart routing is now enabled, which makes it possible to make trades that were not possible before. At the same time, it allows users to obtain better prices on their swaps. Instead of going through one pool only, swaps can go through one or multiple different paths.

For example, thanks to smart routing, Common users can make trades like IOU <> AZERO <> USDT (even when there is no direct IOU <> USDT pair).

Here’s the full list of updates for Common ver. 1.1.0:

  • Users can take advantage of smart routing, and utilize pathfinder for network fee estimates;

  • Users can view splits and steps within smart routing;

  • Added tooltip to APY in farms;

  • Updated logo link to redirect to swap instead of landing page;

  • Replaced “Estimation Exceeded” text with a more detailed explanation;

  • Added modal for importing custom tokens accessed by url;

  • Added refresh button to Swap and Bridge;

As always, thanks for your feedback and support—and enjoy trading on Common!

Start trading with smart routing capabilities on Common

June 6th, 2024

A new version of Common AMM has been pushed to both the Mainnet and Testnet, improving the experience when trading custom tokens. They are now saved for you even if you don’t connect the account. You can also now send links directly to trading pairs!

Here’s the full list of updates:

  • Custom tokens (added by entering a custom smart contract address) are now saved for you without the need to connect an account. The TVL and Volume values reflect your added custom tokens;

  • Chosen swap tokens are now added to the link, allowing you to send a URL directly to the pair;

  • Added option to remove pinned tokens on mobile;

  • Changed fee naming;

  • Updated texts in farm rewards box;

  • Updated DEX contracts metadata;

  • Added pair fee fetching;

  • Added scroll to top on page change;

  • Fixed exchange ratios on non-existing pools;

  • Changed font properties;

  • Added fadeout animation to slider labels;

  • Removed fade mask from pool stats on mobile.

As always, thank you for your feedback and support and enjoy trading on Common!