April 15th, 2024

Common Testnet ver. 0.6.0: custom tokens are now available!

The scope of the release for Common version 0.6.0 saw us solve a handful of feature-based tickets–giving the UX a big boost and introducing flows for custom tokens as we prepare for Mainnet launch:

  • The application header has been optimized in terms of space usage and data display to ensure clarity;

  • The numeric inputs have been limited, Decimals on adding liquidity, Decimals on swaps, % withdraw decimals need fixing, % swap numbers needs fixing;

  • Custom tokens are now available–tokens not whitelisted in Common can be used based on smart contract addresses;

  • The flow for creating pools has been added;

  • Custom pools have been added–you can now add any token into a pool;

  • In ‘Add liquidity’ modal, it is now possible to use an interactive slider to choose the amounts; Slide bar on Add liquidity not working

  • The fixed swap fee has been changed from 0.3% to 0.5%;

  • Asset balances are now refetched periodically to reflect changes from outside the Common dApp.

Additional fixes:

As always, a huge thank-you to all community testers who provided this valuable feedback and support!

Common Testnet ver. 0.6.0 is already deployed – go give it a try!