February 29th, 2024

Common Testnet ver. 0.5.2: added slider for quick adjustments, addressing community feedback

With a host of fresh updates, we’ve addressed the most requested features in Common AMM – from enhanced UI to app stability. 

The scope of the release for Common version 0.5.2 encompasses the following:

  • Added the ability to enter large digits (including zeroes)
    We’ve addressed the issues with the app crashing when entering large digits.

    enter large digits including 0

  • Added interactive slider feature to the UI
    A comprehensive swapping bar in white with 25%, 50%, 75%, and MAX amount options. Additionally, when adding or removing liquidity, the amount can be changed with one easy click.
    add swaping proportion

  • Updated LP withdrawal UI
    We’ve changed the data in the liquidity withdrawal flow to be more meaningful–now you’ll see liquidity pool’s compound tokens instead of LP tokens. Withdrawal liquidity values are now also automatically updated.
    Withdraw liquidity not working

  • Added last connected account saving
    The wallets now remain connected and open after refreshing the page.
    refresh page disconnects wallet
    Refreshing the page disconnects Aleph Zero Signer

  • Changed keyboard type on mobile to ‘decimal’
    The correct keyboard is now always brought up on mobile and input fields have a numerical UI.
    Wrong keyboard type on mobile

  • Minor UI improvements
    As always, we’ve introduced several improvements to the UI–updated colors, shadows, and corners on a few interface elements.

A big thanks to all community testers who contributed with this valuable feedback and support!

You can already try out the new AMM interface here on Testnet version 0.5.2!