January 4th, 2024
We have pushed Common ver. 0.5.1 to the public testnet.
Here’s the scope of the release:
Fixed front-end error causing transaction failures.
The method of estimating transaction fees has been amended to account for greater fee fluctuations.
"Transaction failed" message, despite successful transaction
Changed the “Max” button to adjust for fees.
When swapping from TZERO to other tokens, clicking the “Max” button will now adjust the total amount for network fees paid in the native coin, TZERO in case of the Aleph Zero Testnet.
Clicking on Maximum to swap all your TZERO to other Tokens fails
Improvements around the “Swap” button.
Before any tokens are selected, the button now suggests “Select tokens” to make the next step clear for users.
Message not appropriate when no from and to tokens selected
swap button is disabled, pair not supported should be the text
It also functions as an additional “Connect” button if no wallets are connected.
connect button greyed out
Added link to faucet
Users can now click the “Get testnet tokens” at the bottom of the swap view to go straight to the faucet.
Fixed value estimations denominated in USD.
In the Pools list tab, the values denominated in USD are now more accurate.
Other changes:
Logo should be clickable
The Nightly team has also implemented some of the user feedback related to Common on their end.
Thank you for the ongoing support and all the valuable feedback!