Single Click Address Copy
Hi, Absolutely in love with how smooth common extension is. Just had some feedback based on personal experience. It would be useful to have the option of copying the wallet address somewhere on the main page of the extension in 1 click rather than having to go through the receive button and getting to the address in 3 clicks. Best, Haider.
haiderwaseem About 2 months ago
Single Click Address Copy
Hi, Absolutely in love with how smooth common extension is. Just had some feedback based on personal experience. It would be useful to have the option of copying the wallet address somewhere on the main page of the extension in 1 click rather than having to go through the receive button and getting to the address in 3 clicks. Best, Haider.
haiderwaseem About 2 months ago
Management of multiple wallets
It is very common to use different wallets. Are there any plans to allow the management of multiple wallets in the Common Extension? Seems essential to me.
Arno Mac12 About 1 month ago
Management of multiple wallets
It is very common to use different wallets. Are there any plans to allow the management of multiple wallets in the Common Extension? Seems essential to me.
Arno Mac12 About 1 month ago
Bridging fees data are missing
I’ve noticed that the explorer currently only allows users to view the fees for EVM transactions and shielding, but there’s no option to see the bridging fees. This is a significant issue, as it’s unreasonable to expect people to always record the bridging fees separately. Even if they forgetting to do so and later needing to check in the explorer only to find that the information isn’t available is highly inconvenient. A lot people urgently need this for accounting and tax purposes. In general, a compliance-focused chain should provide all relevant details, including bridging fees, in a comprehensive CSV file. Unfortunately, without this feature, both individuals and companies that depend on accurate accounting will be unable to use Common and zkos. All fees must be clearly visible in the Explorer, especially on a compliance-focused chain. Please prioritize adding a feature that allows all bridging fees to be viewed in the EVM Explorer as soon as possible.
Pauli About 1 month ago
Bridging fees data are missing
I’ve noticed that the explorer currently only allows users to view the fees for EVM transactions and shielding, but there’s no option to see the bridging fees. This is a significant issue, as it’s unreasonable to expect people to always record the bridging fees separately. Even if they forgetting to do so and later needing to check in the explorer only to find that the information isn’t available is highly inconvenient. A lot people urgently need this for accounting and tax purposes. In general, a compliance-focused chain should provide all relevant details, including bridging fees, in a comprehensive CSV file. Unfortunately, without this feature, both individuals and companies that depend on accurate accounting will be unable to use Common and zkos. All fees must be clearly visible in the Explorer, especially on a compliance-focused chain. Please prioritize adding a feature that allows all bridging fees to be viewed in the EVM Explorer as soon as possible.
Pauli About 1 month ago
Adding Ledger connection to Common wallet
Nice and smooth UX so far. Still, adding a direct Ledger connection would be highly appreciated for many of us I’m sure!!
Shield1807 About 2 months ago
Adding Ledger connection to Common wallet
Nice and smooth UX so far. Still, adding a direct Ledger connection would be highly appreciated for many of us I’m sure!!
Shield1807 About 2 months ago
Hello. I am very satisfied with the smooth remittance process of this COMMON extension. A common mistake is to send all the remaining balance in the wallet. If you do that, you won't be able to perform the next operation. I think there is a function to prevent such mistakes by setting it so that one remittance's worth of gas fee is always left over. I may do this sometimes, but I often think about it. Thank you in advance.
高阪佳純 About 2 months ago
Hello. I am very satisfied with the smooth remittance process of this COMMON extension. A common mistake is to send all the remaining balance in the wallet. If you do that, you won't be able to perform the next operation. I think there is a function to prevent such mistakes by setting it so that one remittance's worth of gas fee is always left over. I may do this sometimes, but I often think about it. Thank you in advance.
高阪佳純 About 2 months ago